Hearing Aids
Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are a custom prescription, so what works for one person will not have the same result for another. There are many factors our audiologists will consider when recommending a product. These include, but not limited to performance level, hearing loss type, health condition, lifestyle, budget and style of hearing aid.
Hearing Aid Considerations
With your input, there are a number of important factors for audiologist to consider when prescribing a hearing aid for you . Continue reading as we talk about each of these more below.
Your Level of Hearing Loss
Your level of hearing loss is the most important factor in determining the style of hearing aid that’s best for you.
In addition to the strength of amplification you require, it is important to consider something we call ‘spatial sound’. This is a term used to define the low-level background noise that helps us to determine where sounds come from and which sounds we need to listen to.
Some modern hearing aids offer advanced spatial sound enhancement features that greatly improve your ability to sort the important sounds from those that you can safely ignore.
Your Current Health
Your current health and ability to manage and handle (dexterity) a hearing aid is considered when we advise you on a style of hearing aid. Hearing aids can be fiddly, there are small batteries to handle and frequently change. Some styles require less maintenance and are easier to insert or wear.
Your Lifestyle
Your lifestyle plays an important role in selecting the right device for your day-to-day living. We consider whether you are retired, working or a student. Are you someone who is socially active or do you live a more quieter life. Do you regularly go to cafes, restaurants, parties, attend clubs or presentations, conferences or lecture halls. Your physical activity is also considered.
Hearing aids are available from basic to premium level. The premium aids are better suited and perform better in environments with noisy backgrounds and has more advanced functionality.
Your Budget
We know hearing aids are not cheap, therefore it is important to us to ensure you get a device that not only meets your hearing requirement but your budget too. At Totalcare Hearing, we do not over prescribe to sell you the most expensive hearing aid.
One Hearing Aid or Two
For most people, hearing loss occurs in both ears. Ensuring both ears work as well as they can makes it easier to understand speech in noisy environments and to hear what is happening around you.
Modern hearing aids are purpose-built to support hearing from both sides. The two aids communicate wirelessly with each other and constantly compare information. This enables them to “fill in the gaps” in your sound picture – including sounds you didn’t even know you were missing.
Preserving Your Hearing
As well as enhancing the quality of your hearing, using two hearing aids can help to preserve your hearing.
If you have hearing loss on both sides – even if one ear works significantly better than the other – it is still important to treat both ears. Should you choose to only treat the ear that needs it most, the hearing in your other ear may get progressively worse.
Try Before You Buy
At Totalcare Hearing, you receive a no-obligation two-week, take home trial of your new hearing aids. A home trial for two weeks means you can go about your day-to-day life to ensure the hearing aids meet your hearing requirements in all environments and conditions. You will visit us for an appointment after your first week to discuss how you went and for any further adjustments and refinement before you trial the second week.
Online Shop
View our online shop for some of the options available.
I started Totalcare Hearing with a belief all people want to hear well. They want to be part of the conversation. They do not want to fear social encounters battered by hearing loss. Over the past 15 years the team at Totalcare Hearing have focused on being part of their community to help people hear the best they can. Over this time many things have changed, and one major change is the appearance of online hearing aid shops.
Many companies out there selling hearing aids online do so by spruiking “best price”. But at what cost?
When Totalcare Hearing introduced hearing aids to their online shop, I made the decision not to be the lowest on price. We know people need empathy, understanding, time, support, excellent service and most importantly – skilled Audiologist with experience. This cannot be achieved by being best on price, as it means cutting cost and corners on the service we offer you and quality of our staff.
We may not offer the lowest price, but our prices are still very competitive. We guarantee you will get the best value, trust and audiological advice and service from my team than anywhere in Sydney.
Getting hearing aids is a team effort between yourself and us. Hearing aids require fine tuning, there is annual reviews, check-ups, servicing and repairs and management of your hearing – we are here for the long term, not just a quick sale.
~ Michael, Audiologist and General Manager

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Monday - Friday, 9.00-5.00pm
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